Comment 1 for bug 1990856

Revision history for this message
Dan Watkins (oddbloke) wrote :

I've created a reproducer (attached, also at This is a small Flask app which wraps, and modifies the focal main Packages file to include the e2fsprogs and libext2fs2 packages currently in focal-updates (as well as rewriting other metadata as required). It can be run like this (assuming it's written to flask run

Once it's running, the reported debootstrap error can be reproduced by attempting to bootstrap from this "mirror" (without GPG verification: that obviously won't work!):

debootstrap --keep-debootstrap-dir --variant minbase --no-check-gpg focal bootstrap

You should see this fail with:

W: Failure trying to run: chroot "/root/bootstrap" dpkg --force-overwrite --force-confold --skip-same-version --install

This command should have a package name appended to it. debootstrap has installed the older version of libext2fs2 into the chroot (because it failed to find the newer one), but it has written `/var/lib/dpkg/available` such that `dpkg --predep-package` does detect the newer version and returns "libext2fs2" as a package that needs installing to satisfy Pre-Depends. debootstrap filters out any already-installed packages from that list, and that's why we don't have any package name appended here.

Fixing the determination logic in pkgdetails_field so that debootstrap installs the most recent packages initially fixes this problem: the Pre-Depends on the newer package is satisfied, so `dpkg --predep-package` doesn't return it.