Comment 4 for bug 485665

Revision history for this message
chrisisbd (chris-isbd) wrote :

I got in touch with the CUPS developers and I have a quick and nasty
workaround which is to comment out the "text/plain" line in

What the CUPS developer said to me was (with some context from the
exchange) :-

    >>> D [04/Dec/2009:17:42:00 +0000] PID 2650 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/tex>
    >> This is the problem. Please report this to the Ubuntu folks - they
    need to fix their text f ilter.
    > Is there a workaround I can apply to fix the immediate problem? (I'm
    > happy to edit config files, change scripts and even compile stuff if
    > necessary)

    Look for a *.convs file in /usr/share/cups/mime or /etc/cups that has
    "texttopdf" in it. Comment out any lines that refer to this filter and>

    > ... and what do I report to the Ubuntu people exactly, I can hardly
    > just copy the above line to them! :-)

    They need to support the standard CUPS text options documented here:

So the problem is a filter misconfiguration.