Comment 20 for bug 130444

Revision history for this message
Gökdeniz Karadağ (gokdeniz) wrote :

I tested on hardy and the bug is still partially present.

First of all a tip to other users; I purged console-setup to get rid of my previous tries on keymap.gz and etc.. Reinstalled again from hardy-proposed.

I have previously removed "-8" from getty parameters at /etc/event.d/ttyX files at #273189, I put them back.

running "dpkg-reconfigure console-setup" and rebooting made the characters appear.

The remaining part of the problem is; after typing locale specific characters (çöğüş) backspace key deletes the prompt text. It is narrated in detail at #273189

This is not a very big deal but it's still a bug I think :) Is it present in intrepid or jaunty, can anyone test ?