Comment 14 for bug 2039453

Revision history for this message
Chad Smith (chad.smith) wrote :

VMWare employees have validated both this regressed behavior in current cloud-init and the fix in Jammy and Focal.

WMware representative >>
I see no issues with cloud-init 23.3.daily build on both Jammy and Focal.

    I do reproduce the bug on cloud-init 23.3.1 and verify it’s gone on cloud-init 23.3.daily. Thanks for the reverting.
    I see data can pass through guestinfo(by govc) and customization configuration to cloud-init and cloud-init loads data correctly.

Also, this fix is a revert to the original behavior prior to commit So, we don't risk exposure of regression to any paths other than to XenServer/XCP-ng here which was formerly not supported.

XenServer/XCP-ng images which need to detect CloudStack datasource would need to provide supplemental configuration for the CloudStack datasource with a config file such as /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/90-set-cloudstack.cfg containing the content:
datasource_list: [CloudStack]

Until the XenServer/XCP-ng platform provides distinct information via SMBIOS or environmental artifacts, ds-identify cannot specifically detect CloudStack on XenServer/XCP-ng platforms which represent the platform as VMware.