Comment 2 for bug 293586

Revision history for this message
Marc Bevand (bevand-m) wrote :

This is a huge bug. I hit it when trying to kickstart Intrepid Ibex yesterday, and I tracked it down exactly to that missing CONFIG_GETOPT_LONG. When will the initrd...$ARCH/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/$ARCH/initrd.gz regenerated to include the new version of busybox ? For those waiting for it to be regenerated, here is a workaround that consists of patching a broken initrd, to make kickstart's "url --url http://xxx" option work again (and only this option, others will remain broken):

 $ mkdir i && cd i
 $ zcat ../initrd.gz | cpio --make-dir -i
 $ patch -Np1 <../fix-kickseed-url-handler.patch
 $ find . | cpio -o -H newc | gzip -9 >../initrd.gz
