Publishing details


sudo (1.8.21p2-3ubuntu1) bionic; urgency=medium

  * Merge from Debian unstable.
    Remaining changes:
    - debian/rules, debian/sudo.service, debian/sudo.sudo.init: stop
      shipping init script and service file, as they are no longer
    - debian/rules:
      + compile with --without-lecture --with-tty-tickets --enable-admin-flag
      + install man/man8/sudo_root.8 in both flavours
      + install apport hooks
    - debian/, debian/sudo-ldap.dirs, debian/sudo.dirs:
      + add usr/share/apport/package-hooks
    - debian/sudo.pam:
      + Use pam_env to read /etc/environment and /etc/default/locale
        environment files. Reading ~/.pam_environment is not permitted due to
        security reasons.
    - debian/sudoers:
      + also grant admin group sudo access
      + include /snap/bin in the secure_path
    - debian/control, debian/rules:
      + use dh-autoreconf
    - Remaining patches:
      + keep_home_by_default.patch: Keep HOME in the default environment

sudo (1.8.21p2-3) unstable; urgency=medium

  * include sssd support in the sudo-ldap build too, closes: #884741

 -- Balint Reczey <email address hidden>  Thu, 18 Jan 2018 01:08:16 +0100

Available diffs


Built packages

Package files