Publishing details


ltsp (5.5.1-1ubuntu2) trusty; urgency=medium

  * Cherry-pick upstream bugfixes:
    - r2557: Drop "plymouth:force-splash vt.handoff=7" from the cmdline
      as they interfere with LTSP debugging and don't provide any improvement
      as LTSP's initrd doesn't contain plymouth anymore and we don't get
      flicker free X startup anyway.
    - r2558: Increase the udhcp timeout from 4 to 10 seconds, this fixes
      boot on some slower hardware.
    - r2559: Fix ltsp-update-image --revert.
    - r2560: More udhcp fix to pick up interfaces which show up after
      the script has started.
 -- Stephane Graber <email address hidden>   Mon, 14 Apr 2014 09:24:05 -0400

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