Publishing details


python-kinterbasdb (3.3.0-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * QA upload.

  [ Sandro Tosi ]
  * debian/control
    - fix a typo in long descriptions; thanks to Marco for the report;
      Closes: #603690
  * debian/rules
    - don't compress objects.inv; thanks to Michael Fladischer for the report;
      Closes: #608770

  [ Damyan Ivanov ]
  * update Homepage (upstream redesign)
  * migrate from dpatch to source format 3.0 (quilt)
  * add patch dropping constants for defines, removed in firebird2.5
    (Closes: #643473)
  * drop 01_restore_pristine_code.patch: seems to be unnecessary
  * migrate from dh_pysupport to dh_python2
  * copyright: update homepage location
  * copyright: include information about embedded jquery.js
  * rules: add build-arch and build-indep targets
  * rules: drop build from binary-* dependencies
  * Vcs-*: point to collab-maint's Git

  [ gregor herrmann ]
  * Set Maintainer to Debian QA Group (cf. #634190).
  * Drop ancient Replaces/Conflicts.
  * Build-depend on firebird-dev instead of the dummy firebird2.1-dev

 -- gregor herrmann <email address hidden>  Sat, 28 Jan 2012 15:00:28 +0100

Available diffs


Built packages

Package files