Publishing details


libsoup2.4 (2.74.2-3) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Team upload
  * Source-only upload to allow testing migration
  * Move to debhelper compat level 13
  * Standards-Version: 4.6.0 (no changes required)
  * Override Lintian errors for RUNPATH in installed-tests.
    These have a private shared library for common code.
  * Override overzealous Lintian hint for documentation outside /usr/share/doc
  * d/p/tests-add-soup_test_build_filename_abs.patch,
    Add patches to fix unit test teardown for XMLRPC tests
  * Adjust PHP dependencies.
    php currently has a complicated version number as a result of a
    transition to PHP 8 that was started and then rolled back.
  * d/p/Record-Apache-error-log-for-unit-tests-and-show-it-during.patch:
    Add patch to display Apache error log in test diagnostics
  * d/p/Mark-XMLRPC-tests-as-flaky.patch:
    Add patch to treat tests based on php-xmlrpc as unreliable

 -- Simon McVittie <email address hidden>  Mon, 27 Dec 2021 20:33:29 +0000

Available diffs


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