Publishing details


dicelab (0.7-6) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New maintainer, thanks to Robert Lemmen (Closes: #994636)
  * Converting diff from old source 1.0 format into quilt patches
  * Source format is now 3.0 (quilt)
  * Depending on debhelper-compat 13
  * Raising Standards version to 4.6.0:
    - Rules-Requires-Root: no
    - Using the dh sequencer
  * Refreshing d/copyright, using latest format
  * Setting d/watch version to 4
  * Removing now useless debian/dirs file
  * Providing hardening scheme in debian/rules
  * Revising the short description
  * Adding Vcs-* fields pointing to Salsa
  * Fixing a spelling error in the manpage
  * Adding doc-base support
  * Trim trailing whitespace.
  * Removing the build-dependency on inkscape
  * Adding autopkgtests

 -- Pierre Gruet <email address hidden>  Sat, 18 Dec 2021 11:35:57 +0100

Available diffs


Built packages

Package files