Publishing details


wmaker (0.95.9-3) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Debian Janitor ]
  * Remove constraints unnecessary since stretch:
    + wmaker-utils: Drop versioned constraint on wmaker in Replaces.
    + wmaker-utils: Drop versioned constraint on wmaker in Breaks.
    + Remove 5 maintscript entries from 1 files.
  * debian/copyright: use spaces rather than tabs to start continuation lines.
  * Set upstream metadata fields: Repository.
  * Fix day-of-week for changelog entries 0.95.4-1, 0.95.3-2, 0.95.3-1,
    0.95.0+20111028-4, 0.14.0-2, 0.14.0-1, 0.13.1-0.1, 0.12.3-0.5.
  * Avoid explicitly specifying -Wl,--as-needed linker flag.
  * Remove constraints unnecessary since buster

  [ Doug Torrance ]
  * debian/changelog
    - Enclose John H. Robinson, IV's name in quotes to avoid
      bogus-mail-host-in-debian-changelog Lintian error (see #966295).
  * debian/control
    - Update Maintainer email address to use tracker.d.o.
    - Bump Standards-Version to 4.6.0.
    - Bump to debhelper compatibility level 13.
  * debian/copyright
    - Use https for Source URL.
  * debian/debianfiles/wmaker
    - Update paths to wmaker and convertfonts; now in /usr/libexec.
  * debian/not-installed
    - New file; specify files that aren't installed so dh_missing doesn't
      cause build failures after the bump to debhelper 13.
  * debian/patches/10_support_imagemagick6.diff
    - Update patch to match upstream; support both imagemagick 6 and 7.
  * debian/patches/20_national_encoding.diff
    - New patch; convert README's from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8.
  * debian/patches/21_wrong_manual_section.diff
    - New patch; use quotes around "Window Maker" in translated manpage
      title headers to prevent wront-manual-section Lintian warnings.
  * debian/patches/{53,75}*.diff
    - Set "Forwarded: not-needed" for Debian-specific patches.
  * debian/upstream/metadata
    - Add Bug-* fields.
  * debian/wmaker-common.lintian-overrides
    - New file; override no-manual-page Lintian warning.
  * debian/wmaker.install
    - Install wmaker and convertfiles to /usr/libexec for FHS compliance.

 -- Doug Torrance <email address hidden>  Fri, 08 Oct 2021 22:20:31 -0400

Available diffs


Built packages

Package files