Publishing details


linux (5.4.0-26.30) focal; urgency=medium

  * focal/linux: 5.4.0-26.30 -proposed tracker (LP: #1873882)

  * Packaging resync (LP: #1786013)
    - update dkms package versions

  * swap storms kills interactive use (LP: #1861359)
    - SAUCE: drm/i915: prevent direct writeback from the shrinker

  * 5.4.0-24.28 does not seem to apply rtprio, whereas -21 does. (LP: #1873315)
    - [Config] lowlatency: turn off RT_GROUP_SCHED

  * [RTL810xE] No ethernet connection (LP: #1871182)
    - net: phy: realtek: fix handling of RTL8105e-integrated PHY

 -- Andrea Righi <email address hidden>  Mon, 20 Apr 2020 18:33:49 +0200

Available diffs


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Package files