Comment 3 for bug 387027

Revision history for this message
Scott Moser (smoser) wrote :

verified fixed in
ec2-karmic-amd64.img.gz (ec2-init 0.4.99-0ubuntu2)

$ dpkg-query --showformat '${version}\n' --show "ec2-init"

ec2init/ now has method get_mirror_from_availability_zone that does:

    def get_mirror_from_availability_zone(self, availability_zone):
        if availability_zone.startswith("us"):
            return ''
        elif availability_zone.startswith("eu"):
            return ''

        return ''

the above essentially does the same as the listed hack.

I'll just note here, that some debug/apparently-dead code leaked in on this. has a 'location_archive_map' which is completely unused.