txAMQP 0.3 released, better late than never

Written for txAMQP by Esteve Fernandez on 2009-08-16

Hi all,

with great joy and a little sweat, we're happy to announce txAMQP 0.3
(https://launchpad.net/txamqp), a Python library for communicating with AMQP
peers and brokers using Twisted.

This marks an important milestone, as it's the first release made with the
help of two new committers not directly involved with Fluidinfo
(http://fluidinfo.com): Dan Di Spaltro from Cloudkick
(https://www.cloudkick.com) and Thomas Hervé from Canonical

On the technical side, this release includes important features such as
heartbeat frames (contributed by Anthony Lenton), support for setuptools
(contributed by Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn), support for basic_return, and improved
support for Thrift - among many other features and fixes.

As a side note, patching Thrift (http://incubator.apache.org/thrift/) is no
longer needed, as support for Twisted is now integrated in the official Thrift

Updated .

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