TKDO 0.6

Significant new features: iCal export, colors, toolbar, n800 support, misc fixes.

Milestone information

Selene ToyKeeper
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2 Selene ToyKeeper
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Release notes 

    + Added iCalendar file export for due tasks.
    + Added HACKING guide for new developers.
    + Added some usage tips to the README.
    * Made done tasks sort after snoozed tasks.
    * Fixed the 'max_overdue' ceiling (priorities were too high).
    * Misc minor code gardening.
    + Added some contributed utils from Bill Powell:
      'list' colorizer, and a prototype 'add task' command.
    * Added a separator in 'cal' command between past and future events.
    * Fixed '--help' parameter.
    + Added a 'delete task' function.
    + Added optional colors and labels in the score column.
    + Added an optional toolbar at the bottom with configurable
      buttons (useful for tablet devices).
    + Added basic support for hildon lib (for the Nokia n800 tablet).
    + Added a fullscreen toggle (useful on Nokia n800).
    * Made Ctrl-R reload all files instead of refreshing scores.
    * Now displays contexts on their own line.
    * Removed unnecessary indentation in task details.


View the full changelog

revno: 147
tags: tkdo_0.6
committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Sun 2008-08-17 05:01:47 -0600
  release 0.6
    revno: 146.1.1
    committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
    branch nick: release-0.6
    timestamp: Sun 2008-08-17 05:01:21 -0600
      bumped version to 0.6
revno: 146
committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Sat 2008-08-16 08:40:37 -0600
  Made Ctrl-R reload all task files, instead of just refreshing the view.
  Since task files may be modified externally, I found myself using the
  'reload all' function very frequently, but almost never needed to refresh
  the display (which just updates the scores, basically).
  This gives quick access to the more-used function.
revno: 145
committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Sat 2008-08-16 07:21:55 -0600
  Added 'delete task' function in GUI.
    revno: 143.1.2
    committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
    branch nick: gui-delete-task
    timestamp: Sat 2008-08-16 07:20:29 -0600
      Fixed bug where last child task couldn't be deleted.
      Instead of actually deleting tasks internally, it now just
      sets a 'deleted' flag to prevent deleted tasks from being saved.
      This assumes the task file will get saved and reloaded before the
      display is updated, but it's simple and it works.
    revno: 143.1.1
    committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
    branch nick: gui-delete-task
    timestamp: Sat 2008-08-16 07:11:26 -0600
      Added 'delete task' function in GUI.
      Fails when attempting to delete the last child, though. :(
revno: 144
committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Sat 2008-08-16 06:03:09 -0600
  removed a duplicated function
revno: 143
committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Sat 2008-08-16 05:53:46 -0600
  Merged 'ical' command (exports events in iCalendar format).
    revno: 142.1.3
    committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
    branch nick: add-ical
    timestamp: Sat 2008-08-16 05:52:15 -0600
      Added text and context filters to 'ical' command.
    revno: 142.1.2
    committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
    branch nick: add-ical
    timestamp: Sat 2008-08-16 05:35:05 -0600
      Got iCalendar export mostly working.
      (works in Google Calendar, at least)
      Fixed PRODID.
      Made recurring tasks work.
      Detects and handles all-day events.
      Added (semi-correct) UUIDs.
      Exports contexts and taskfile title as categories.
      Exports extra text lines as a description.
    revno: 142.1.1
    committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
    branch nick: add-ical
    timestamp: Fri 2008-08-15 22:35:05 -0600
      Added very primitive export in iCalendar format. ('ical' command)
revno: 142
committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Fri 2008-08-15 17:32:25 -0600
  Merged Boudewijn's fullscreen function.
  (useful on the Nokia n800)
    revno: 131.5.3
    committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
    branch nick: bold-fullscreen
    timestamp: Fri 2008-08-15 17:31:49 -0600
      merged trunk
    revno: 131.5.2
    committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
    branch nick: bold-fullscreen
    timestamp: Fri 2008-08-15 17:25:41 -0600
      Converted fullscreen to a menu item and a regular, bindable action.
      Removed top-level gtk import.
      (F6 is what the Nokia n800 uses for its fullscreen button)
    revno: 131.5.1
    author: Boudewijn <email address hidden>
    committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
    branch nick: bold-fullscreen
    timestamp: Fri 2008-08-15 17:18:09 -0600
      Added Boudewijn's fullscreen toggle patch.
revno: 141
committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Fri 2008-08-15 07:45:34 -0600
  Merged Boudewijn's GUI score colors feature.
    revno: 131.4.4
    committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
    branch nick: bold-colors
    timestamp: Fri 2008-08-15 07:35:22 -0600
      Made score colors and labels configurable, with a default gradient theme.
      A Chandler-like theme is given as an example in the config comments.
    revno: 131.4.3
    committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
    branch nick: bold-colors
    timestamp: Fri 2008-08-15 07:04:35 -0600
      Made done tasks have a score of -1, to make them sort after snoozed tasks.
      (and otherwise make it easier to distinguish based on score)
    revno: 131.4.2
    committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
    branch nick: bold-colors
    timestamp: Fri 2008-08-15 06:34:15 -0600
      Removed extra row for score. This makes every task have an expander button,
      so it's impossible to tell at a glance if a task has extra details attached,
      and I'm planning to display the score in a different way.
      Cleaned up a comment.
    revno: 131.4.1
    author: Boudewijn <email address hidden>
    committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
    branch nick: bold-colors
    timestamp: Fri 2008-08-15 06:29:55 -0600
      Made score column show a score-based label and color instead of raw score.
revno: 140
committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Thu 2008-08-14 20:49:38 -0600
  Merged basic support for hildon (Boudewijn).
    revno: 131.3.2
    committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
    branch nick: bold-hildon
    timestamp: Thu 2008-08-14 20:43:21 -0600
      Cleaned up patch -- removed top-level imports, un-broke window sizing,
      shortened one-line if/elses.
    revno: 131.3.1
    author: Boudewijn <email address hidden>
    committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
    branch nick: bold-hildon
    timestamp: Thu 2008-08-14 20:33:45 -0600
      Added basic maemo / hildon support (Boudewijn).
      This should make things look nicer on the Nokia n800.
revno: 139
committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Thu 2008-08-14 20:11:45 -0600
  Merged Boudewijn's toolbar feature (useful on Nokia n800).
    revno: 131.2.6
    committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
    branch nick: bold-toolbar
    timestamp: Thu 2008-08-14 20:09:12 -0600
      Made toolbar buttons bigger, with less space between and configurable size.
    revno: 131.2.5
    committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
    branch nick: bold-toolbar
    timestamp: Thu 2008-08-14 19:59:18 -0600
      Made the toolbar optional (default=off).
    revno: 131.2.4
    committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
    branch nick: bold-toolbar
    timestamp: Thu 2008-08-14 19:49:58 -0600
      Made toolbar buttons configurable. Changed default button set.
      Replaced inline action lookup code with MasterlistGUI._lookup_action().
    revno: 131.2.3
    committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
    branch nick: bold-toolbar
    timestamp: Thu 2008-08-14 19:24:37 -0600
      Refactored toolbar code a bit more.
    revno: 131.2.2
    committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
    branch nick: bold-toolbar
    timestamp: Thu 2008-08-14 19:19:45 -0600
      Reorganized toolbar code. Removed hard gtk dependency.
    revno: 131.2.1
    author: Boudewijn <email address hidden>
    committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
    branch nick: bold-toolbar
    timestamp: Thu 2008-08-14 19:10:33 -0600
      Added a toolbar at the bottom for quick mouse access to actions.
      (useful on the Nokia n800)
revno: 138
committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Thu 2008-08-14 19:00:40 -0600
  Merged remove-redundant-whitespace and show-contexts-in-gui to trunk.
    revno: 137.1.2
    committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
    branch nick: strip-gui-whitespace
    timestamp: Thu 2008-08-14 18:57:00 -0600
      Merged Boudewijn's idea to display contexts in a more visible place
      in the GUI's task details.
        revno: 131.1.2
        committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
        branch nick: bold-show-contexts
        timestamp: Thu 2008-08-14 18:38:19 -0600
          Removed 'sets' dependency. Reorganized update_treestore() a bit.
          Explicitly inherited and sorted contexts.
          (before, it appeared to inherit by accident and somehow got duplicates)

        revno: 131.1.1
        author: Boudewijn <email address hidden>
        committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
        branch nick: bold-show-contexts
        timestamp: Thu 2008-08-14 18:18:32 -0600
          Added a context list to each task's collapsed details.
          This is easier than reading the same data from the TKDO line,
          and works even when the context was inherited or hasn't yet
          been moved from the title to the metadata line.

    revno: 137.1.1
    committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
    branch nick: strip-gui-whitespace
    timestamp: Thu 2008-08-14 18:49:19 -0600
      Removed redundant indentation from task details in GUI.
revno: 137
committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Tue 2008-08-12 21:39:52 -0600
  added a separator in 'cal' between overdue and future events
revno: 136
committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Fri 2008-08-08 14:21:10 -0600
  merged fix to make max_overdue work correctly
    revno: 135.1.2
    committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
    branch nick: fix-overdue-too-high
    timestamp: Fri 2008-08-08 14:20:42 -0600
      fixed "clip" comments
    revno: 135.1.1
    committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
    branch nick: fix-overdue-too-high
    timestamp: Fri 2008-08-08 14:13:05 -0600
      Fixed due_bonus calculation (it was in the wrong place),
      to make max_overdue actually work. Previously, the maximum
      overdue value was "due_bonus * max_overdue", but it was
      supposed to be just "max_overdue".
revno: 135
committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Wed 2008-08-06 14:01:57 -0600
  merged Bill Powell's TKDO CLI into contrib/
    revno: 133.1.4
    committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
    branch nick: billpowell
    timestamp: Tue 2008-08-05 01:28:46 -0600
      Added contrib/ to distfiles. Made dist recurse and follow symlinks.
    revno: 133.1.3
    committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
    branch nick: billpowell
    timestamp: Tue 2008-08-05 01:22:09 -0600
      Made tkdoclrs include original leading whitespace on each line.
      Fixed a typo in tkdocli's help text.
    revno: 133.1.2
    committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
    branch nick: billpowell
    timestamp: Tue 2008-08-05 01:01:40 -0600
      Normalized whitespace, added full copyright / license info.
    revno: 133.1.1
    committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
    branch nick: billpowell
    timestamp: Tue 2008-08-05 00:59:48 -0600
      Added TKDO cli by Bill Powell <email address hidden>
revno: 134
committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Wed 2008-08-06 14:01:14 -0600
  added some tips to README
revno: 133
committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Mon 2008-08-04 20:35:30 -0600
  added basic HACKING file for new developers
revno: 132
committer: Scott Scriven <email address hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Mon 2008-08-04 19:46:10 -0600
  Fixed ' --help' ('t help' worked but 't -h' was failing).

0 blueprints and 2 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
231189 #231189 enh: export ical 4 Medium Selene ToyKeeper  10 Fix Released
255508 #255508 enh: delete tasks in GUI 4 Medium Selene ToyKeeper  10 Fix Released
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