Registered by Filip Sufitchi

The tjTalk School Question Forum is being composed as a research-lab project. Its objective is "to create a highly modular, independent, self-maintaining, easy to set up, VERY intuitive web-based school question forum".
The original instance of the project will be made for Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Alexandria, Virginia. It will be available for use web-wide, but with special privileges to TJHSST students and teachers.

The superlatives of the project will be intuitivity and freeness (in use and code).
You may grab the source code and tweak it, but your changes will only be included in tjTalk after intense code review and with teacher permission (as long as this is a school project). Contact me (fsufitch) if you want to contribute.

This project is currently developed and tested on Ubuntu 8.04 with Python 2.4/2.5. Since it is in development, support is not available.

I have a small "project proposal" Google Presentation about tjTalk at . Use it to familiarise yourself with my objectives!

Project information

Filip Sufitchi
Filip Sufitchi

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Programming languages:
Python, ZCML, ZPT, Javascript

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