IMPORTANT notice for timekpr-next 0.5.2 users

Written for Timekpr-nExT by Eduards Bezverhijs on 2023-04-26

**The issue**
If you experience the bug when user time is not controlled at all or sometimes, please install the version in my PPA. After installation you should have version equal or greater than 0.5.4, or at least 0.5.3 if you're on older installation.
This only affects versions up to 0.5.2, later versions are fine!

**How to install**
Go to , please read the section "Adding this PPA to your system", there are instructions how to add PPA to your system.

**Technical reason**
After update to newer to python versions, datatype conversion does not work automatically anymore, therefore a fix was needed.
If you're not afraid of terminal, please run this, if it returns something, you have encountered the bug:
    grep "TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer" /var/log/timekpr.log

**The fix**
The issue was fixed 22nd of February 2022, e-mail was sent to Debian (mother of Ubuntu) python package maintainer, however the new version (0.5.3) was not merged into Debian for very long time, 0.5.4 was imported in the beginning of 2023, tho.

Since timekpr-next was imported into Ubuntu from Debian and there was no fix in Debian, this issue is showing up in Ubuntu too.


Updated .

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