testtools 0.9.4

The next release of testtools

Milestone information

Robert Collins
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2 James Westby, 2 Martin Packman, 2 Robert Collins
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6 Fix Released

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Release notes 

This release overhauls the traceback formatting layer to deal with Python 2
line numbers and traceback objects often being local user encoded strings
rather than unicode objects. Test discovery has also been added and Python 3.1
is also supported. Finally, the Mismatch protocol has been extended to let
Matchers collaborate with tests in supplying detailed data about failures.


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This release overhauls the traceback formatting layer to deal with Python 2
line numbers and traceback objects often being local user encoded strings
rather than unicode objects. Test discovery has also been added and Python 3.1
is also supported. Finally, the Mismatch protocol has been extended to let
Matchers collaborate with tests in supplying detailed data about failures.


* testtools.utils has been renamed to testtools.compat. Importing
  testtools.utils will now generate a deprecation warning.


* Add machinery for Python 2 to create unicode tracebacks like those used by
  Python 3. This means testtools no longer throws on encountering non-ascii
  filenames, source lines, or exception strings when displaying test results.
  Largely contributed by Martin[gz] with some tweaks from Robert Collins.

* James Westby has supplied test discovery support using the Python 2.7
  TestRunner in testtools.run. This requires the 'discover' module. This
  closes bug #250764.

* Python 3.1 is now supported, thanks to Martin[gz] for a partial patch.
  This fixes bug #592375.

* TestCase.addCleanup has had its docstring corrected about when cleanups run.

* TestCase.skip is now deprecated in favour of TestCase.skipTest, which is the
  Python2.7 spelling for skip. This closes bug #560436.

* Tests work on IronPython patch from Martin[gz] applied.

* Thanks to a patch from James Westby testtools.matchers.Mismatch can now
  supply a get_details method, which assertThat will query to provide
  additional attachments. This can be used to provide additional detail
  about the mismatch that doesn't suite being included in describe(). For
  instance, if the match process was complex, a log of the process could be
  included, permitting debugging.

* testtools.testresults.real._StringException will now answer __str__ if its
  value is unicode by encoding with UTF8, and vice versa to answer __unicode__.
  This permits subunit decoded exceptions to contain unicode and still format

0 blueprints and 6 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
501166 #501166 testtools should be able to cope with non-ascii tracebacks 2 Critical Martin Packman  10 Fix Released
592375 #592375 testtools no longer works on py3k 2 Critical Martin Packman  10 Fix Released
592490 #592490 MANUAL does not describe testtools.run support for discovery 4 Medium Robert Collins  10 Fix Released
250764 #250764 Test discovery feature 6 Wishlist James Westby  10 Fix Released
560436 #560436 skip should be available as skipTest 6 Wishlist Robert Collins  10 Fix Released
591327 #591327 Please allow Mismatches to add detail to the result 6 Wishlist James Westby  10 Fix Released
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