testtools now on PyPI

Written for testtools by Jonathan Lange on 2009-11-27

Thanks to the kind, generous and in all other ways spiffy Kumar McMillan, the 'testtools' project on Launchpad that you've come to know and love is available on PyPI as 'testtools'.

In order to celebrate this and to avoid clashing with Kumar's legacy software, we've bumped up the version number of our testtools to 0.9 and made a couple of releases. The latest release ports the recent work on the standard library's unittest back to Python 2.4 and 2.5 and adds a new, experimental 'matcher' API that should help you avoid the proliferation of assertFoo methods that so often plague test infrastructures.

All this means that testtools is simply the best way to write unit tests in Python. It's like the standard library -- but standarder!

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