subunit 0.0.11

Milestone information

Robert Collins
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File Description Downloads
download icon python-subunit-0.0.11.tar.gz (md5, sig) Python source tarball. 1,006
last downloaded 21 weeks ago
download icon subunit-0.0.11.tar.gz (md5, sig) Source tarball. 32
last downloaded 21 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,038

Release notes 

v2 protocol draft included in this release. The v2 protocol trades off human
readability for a massive improvement in robustness, the ability to represent
concurrent tests in a single stream, cheaper parsing, and that provides
significantly better in-line debugging support and structured forwarding
of non-test data (such as stdout or stdin data).

This change includes two new filters (subunit-1to2 and subunit-2to1). Use
these filters to convert old streams to v2 and convert v2 streams to v1.

All the other filters now only parse and emit v2 streams. V2 is still in
draft format, so if you want to delay and wait for v2 to be finalised, you
should use subunit-2to1 before any serialisation steps take place.
With the ability to encapsulate multiple non-test streams, another significant
cange is that filters which emit subunit now encapsulate any non-subunit they
encounter, labelling it 'stdout'. This permits multiplexing such streams and
detangling the stdout streams from each input.

The subunit libraries (Python etc) have not changed their behaviour: they
still emit v1 from their existing API calls. New API's are being added
and applications should migrate once their language has those API's available.


View the full changelog


* ```` now replaces sys.stdout to ensure that stdout is unbuffered
  - without this pdb output is not reliably visible when stdout is a pipe
  as it usually is. (Robert Collins)

* v2 protocol draft included in this release. (Python implementation only so
  far). (Robert Collins)

* Two new Python classes -- ``StreamResultToBytes`` and
  ``ByteStreamToStreamResult`` handle v2 generation and parsing.
  (Robert Collins)

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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