Registered by Sander D

The Stipvis Project tries to build a humane, fully zoomable user interface to personal computing tasks.

The Stipvis server runs in the background on a PC and provides the interface to the Web browser. It is mostly programmed using JavaScript (ran on Mozilla's SpiderMonkey engine), and third parties can easily create JavaScript plugins with access to the server's system features.

Stipvis is in experimental stage and under heavy development. It runs services and zooms, but isn't useful for getting things done yet. If you want to try it, install Soup, the GIR repository and Gjs (both available at and follow the instructions in README.

If you want to help development in any way or need help running the server, please mail me at

Project information

Sander D
Sander D
MIT / X / Expat Licence

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Programming languages:
C, JavaScript

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