Registered by Scheme Libraries Team

An organizing place for libraries for the Scheme programming language. Anyone may put open-source libraries under this project, without need for any approval. Contributors have exclusive modification rights to their branches. Collaboration or coordination is not required. The purpose is to provide a liberal place for libraries which otherwise would not have a home or bug/question reporting or exposure. Processing of bug/question reports is done by volunteers from the Scheme Libraries Team (joining this team is not required).

To put your libraries under this project, read
for instructions.

Go to the Code page for the list of branches of libraries. The pages for the branches have more details about them and instructions on how to download them. If you just want to use them (i.e. aren't interested in sharing your modifications), you can usually just do:

$ bzr checkout --lightweight<owner>/scheme-libraries/<branch>

... replacing <owner> and <branch> with the relevant strings.

You can stay up-to-date by changing directory into your copy of a branch and doing:
$ bzr update

To be notified of changes (e.g. new commits) to a particular branch, you can go to the page for the branch and subscribe yourself.

The instructions shown at the pages for branches tell you to do "bzr branch <URL>". This will retrieve the entire branch history and give you an independent branch, which you won't want if you just want to use them and to be able to stay up-to-date. Substitute "checkout --lightweight" for "branch" in these "bzr ... <URL>" commands.

Project information

GNU GPL v2, GNU GPL v3, MIT / X / Expat Licence, Public Domain

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Scheme Libraries does not have any download files registered with Launchpad.


  • Project Renamed on 2009-06-30
    The project has been renamed from "ikarus-libraries" to "scheme-libraries". ...