Registered by Garrett Serack

A Windows tool that does a variety of small tasks for developers.

This is the first release of Quick tool.

QuickTool performs the following tasks:

- When a URL is copied into the clipboard, it will use the service to shrink it, and stuffs it back in the clipboard automatically.
- A "quick upload" hotkey can be set (defaults to ctrl-alt-numpad9), that when pressed will upload either:
    (a) if there is an image in the clipboard, it will upload it to the configured FTP server, and return an URL to the clipboard of the location of the file
    (b) if there is a filename in the clipboard, it will upload that to the to the configured FTP server, and return an URL to the clipboard of the location of the file
    (c) if there is one or more files in the clipboard (ie selected in Explorer, and then 'copy') then it will upload them all to the FTP site, and build an HTML file that has links for all the uploaded files. The HTML file is also uploaded to the FTP server, and the location of that is stuffed back into the clipboard.

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Latest version is alpha

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