urllib3 2.0 series

A big refactor to move urllib3 to version 2. Upcoming changes:
* Remove the dependency on httplib, enabling us to bring new features and improvements to all supported Python versions equally
* Invalid HTTP responses now trigger hard failures, rather than getting a best-effort interpretation. This additional strictness reduces the risk that responses will be misinterpreted.
* Remove the length_remaining property on responses. urllib3 now strictly checks the length of responses and hard fails in all cases if the response is either too long or the remote peer closes the connection before the body is complete.
* Remove the read_chunked method on responses
* Remove the behaviour that HTTPResponse.stream had where it would always return on chunked bodies. These boundaries are not semantic, so it is not useful to persist them up to the user.
* Remove BodyNotHttplibCompatible and ResponseNotChunked exceptions
* Drop support for Python 2.6

Series information

Project drivers:
Andrey Petrov, Quentin Pradet
Release manager:
Quentin Pradet
Project development focus:
is the focus of development.
Release URL pattern:

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2.0 does not have any download files.

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