Registered by Bin Hu

Model-Driven, Extensible Framework for NFV Networking Service

This project brings a NFV Networking Service Framework that enables Telecom Service Providers to provide its customers with NFV networking services on-demand. Gluon uses model-driven approach to generate NFV Networking Service APIs (including objects, database schema, and RESTful API endpoints) from YAML file which models the NFV Networking Service. When a Telecom Service Provider needs to launch a new NFV Networking Service, it only needs to model the new service in YAML file. Gluon framework generates the APIs accordingly. Thus Gluon helps Telecom Service Provide accelerate the time-to-market and achieve business agility through its extensibility and scalability in generating API for new use cases and services.

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Part of:
Gluon Maintainer Team
Gluon Driver Team
Apache Licence

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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