Registered by Roberto Innocenti

Build a laptop with PowerPC architecture designed around GNU/Linux.
Contribute to make run smoothly on that laptop GNU/Linux , Free Software (and open to other Operating Systems )

This project is for anyone who wants to contribute with his action and participation, as well as with his own money, to build a laptop with PowerPC architecture, designed around GNU/Linux and Free Software (and open to other Operating Systems ) and that does not become quickly obsolete, which is upgradeable as Video card, RAM, and hard disk or solid state disk.

There are many forms of participation, including:

    translation: website localization and social sharing
    media production: video,animation, image, text, slogan
    spread idea: publish news in your blog/forum/social, manage our website seo, manage our official social accounts
    software work-group: PowerPC gnu/linux applications optimization (test gnu/linux application packages, give feedback or fix the errors), distro porting (U-boot, etc), push sources to mainstream branches. Other OS porting. Convert Wii/WiiU, PS3 and Xbox360 emulators to virtualize thanks to the PowerPC CPU.
    hardware work-group: wish list and suggestions
    crowd-funding: how to, study other experiences
    group buying: how to, study other experiences

Project information

GNU GPL v2, GNU GPL v3, Creative Commons - No Rights Reserved, I don't know yet

RDF metadata

View full history Series and milestones

trunk series is the current focus of development.

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