Plone 5.2.12

Milestone information

Maurits van Rees
Release registered:
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File Description Downloads
download icon (md5, sig) Unified Installer zip -- same as tarball, but easier to extract on Windows 187
last downloaded 14 weeks ago
download icon Plone-5.2.12-UnifiedInstaller-1.0.tgz (md5, sig) Unified Installer tarball -- builds Plone on most Linux/macOS/Windows 10 systems 3,868
last downloaded 5 weeks ago
Total downloads: 4,055

Release notes 

# Release notes for Plone 5.2.12

* Released: Friday April 21, 2023
* Check the [release schedule](
* Read the [upgrade guide](, explaining the biggest changes compared to 5.1.
* Canonical place for these [release notes]( and the full [packages changelog](

If you want to jump straight in, here are two important links:

* With pip you can use the constraints file at [](
* With Buildout you can use the versions file at [](

## Highlights

Major changes since 5.2.11:

* `plone.recipe.zope2instance`: Add new option `asyncore_use_poll` to waitress config file.
* ``: Update Turkish translations.
* ``: For user schemas use a volatile cache on the request instead of on the portal.
  This prevents seeing an empty user profile when you have custom user schemas.
* `plonetheme.barceloneta`: Fix Diazo rule problem with undefined footer_portlets and footer_portlets_count variables.
* `Products.CMFPlone`:
  * Show warning in Site Setup when using an unsupported Plone or Python version.
  * Removed path query from search view when context is site root.
  * Fixed encoding issue on Python 3 for some mail servers. This could result in missing characters in an email body.

## Python compatibility

This release supports Python 2.7, 3.7, and 3.8.

**Important: This is the last release that officially supports Python 3.7.**
The next Plone 5.2 release is expected in July, but Python 3.7 will reach end-of-life in June.
We will stop testing on 3.7 and stop providing specific version pins for 3.7 (none are needed at the moment though). This means that things may start breaking without being noticed. If something breaks and you can supply a fix, we are happy to include it in the next release though.

Python 3.6 support was [dropped in Plone 5.2.10](
Plone 5.2 supports Python 2.7, but this is end-of-life since 2020. It should only be used as a temporary stepping stone before you migrate your Plone site to Python 3.

## Versions of pip, zc.buildout, setuptools

In Plone core we use these versions to install Plone on Python 2:


and these on Python 3:


In general you are free to use whatever versions work for you, especially newer ones, but these worked for us.

Note that `setuptools` 66 is more strict with what versions it can recognize. If you run `pip` or `buildout` and it suddenly cannot find a package with a non-standard version, then this may be the cause. This is why we stayed at version 65 for this release. Likely, we will keep doing this for future Plone 5.2 releases.

## Installation

For installation instructions, see the [documentation](

## Issues

If you find any issues, please report them in the [main issue tracker](


View the full changelog

plone.recipe.zope2instance: 6.11.0 → 6.12.0
New features:

- Add new option `asyncore_use_poll` to waitress config file.
  [petschki] (#189)

plone.versioncheck: 1.7.0 → 1.8.0
- Ignore invalid versions.
  Needed for ``setuptools`` 66 and higher when checking a package that has invalid versions on PyPI.
  Fixes `issue 52 <>`_.

Plone: 5.2.11 → 5.2.12
Bug fixes:

- Release Plone 5.2.12.
  [maurits] 5.1.31 → 5.1.32
- Update Turkish translation
  [uyar] 1.3.6 → 1.3.7
Bug fixes:

- Remove dependency on ZODB3, use ZODB instead.
  Add troove classifiers for Plone 6 and newer Python.
  [jensens] (#47) 2.1.4 → 2.1.5
Bug fixes:

- Added upgrade to 5220, Plone 5.2.12.
  [maurits] (#5220) 2.6.7 → 2.6.8
Bug fixes:

- For user schemas use a volatile cache on the request instead of on the portal.
  This prevents seeing an empty user profile when you have custom user schemas.
  This fixes `issue 76 <>`_.
  [maurits] (#76)

plone.contentrules: 2.1.2 → 2.1.3
Bug fixes:

- Use `ZODB` as dependency rather than the deprecated `ZODB3`.
  [gforcada] (#1)

plone.keyring: 3.1.3 → 3.2.1
Bug fixes:

- Use `ZODB` as dependency rather than the deprecated `ZODB3`.
  [gforcada] (#1)

- Update to Zope4 only including troove classifiers. [jensens] (#7)

plone.locking: 2.2.5 → 2.3.0
Bug fixes:

- Update to Zope4 only including troove classifiers. [jensens] (#19)

plone.portlets: 2.3.2 → 2.3.3
Bug fixes:

- Use `ZODB` as dependency rather than the deprecated `ZODB3`.
  [gforcada] (#1)

- Fix deprecation warnings (#5)

plone.restapi: 7.8.1 → 7.8.2
Bug fixes:

- Tests: pin ``plone.schema`` to 1.4.0 in Plone 4.3.
  This is the latest version compatible with Python 2.
  On Plone 5.0 and higher this package is already pinned.
  [maurits] (#140)

- CI: run the tests on Ubuntu 20.04, instead of latest.
  Python 2.7 and 3.6 are not available on latest.
  [maurits] (#2004)

plonetheme.barceloneta: 2.1.10 → 2.1.11
Bug fixes:

- Fix Diazo rule problem with undefined footer_portlets and footer_portlets_count variables.

  See: (#239)

Products.CMFPlone: 5.2.11 → 5.2.12
Bug fixes:

- Show warning in Site Setup when using an unsupported Plone or Python version.
  This is based on dates in the `Plone release schedule <>`_
  and the `Status of Python versions <>`_.
  [maurits] (#23)

- Removed dependencies on development versions.
  For example we were depending on `` >= 1.1.6dev-r22380`` and the 1.1.6 version was released in 2008.
  With setuptools 67 this development version is illegal and cannot be parsed, even though in ``versions.cfg`` or ``constraints.txt`` we explicitly request version 2.3.4.
  [maurits] (#67)

- Removed path query from search view when context is site root.
  [malthe] (#3753)

- Fixed encoding issue on Python 3 for some mail servers.
  This could result in missing characters in an email body.
  [maurits] (#3754)

- Update metadata version to 5220, Plone 5.2.12.
  [maurits] (#5220)

Products.PortalTransforms: 3.2.1 → 3.2.2
Bug fixes:

- Update to Zope4 only including troove classifiers. [jensens] (#50)

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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