pigment 0.3.17 "Black Mesa"

Milestone information

Code name:
Black Mesa
Loïc Molinari
Release registered:
Yes. Drivers can target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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Release notes 

Changes since 0.3.16:

      * Improved overall performance and memory usage.
      * Added support to cast shadows under texts.
      * Added support to align drawables to pixel boundaries.
      * Added support to retrieve the maximum texture size at runtime.
      * Highly improved the OpenGL ES 1.1 plugin.
      * Fixed GCC 4.4 and Sun Studio compilation warnings.


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Tickets fixed since 0.3.16:

      * 122 : BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) on start of any pigment...
      * 134 : glXUseXFont generates sometimes a BadFont error
      * 151 : Crash at exit when OpenGL Viewport not disposed
      * 192 : pgm crash when updating quickly an image with cairo data, and w...
      * 193 : PNG exported from Inkscape are not loadable
      * 282 : Segfault at viewport creation
      * 296 : pigment-0.3.pc should depend on gdk-pixbuf-2.0
      * 304 : CRASH libglib-2.0.dll!g_slist_foreach
      * 305 : CRASH libgobject-2.0.dll!g_type_check_instance_is_a
      * 308 : pigment crashes when freeing data
      * 310 : Regression tests failing on FreeBSD
      * 311 : Text shadow support
      * 312 : [Win32] Maximization problem
      * 314 : Support to get the maximum texture size of the plugin
      * 315 : Add rasterization grid alignment facilities
      * 317 : Memory leak in PgmGlDrawable
      * 318 : Memory leak in PgmImageSink
      * 319 : warnings in pigment
      * 320 : Deadlock at initialization on Windows 64 bits
      * 321 : error when building svn 1456 with gcc-4.4.0

API added since 0.3.16:

      * pgm_text_get_color() function
      * pgm_text_set_color() function
      * pgm_text_get_cast_shadow() function
      * pgm_text_set_cast_shadow() function
      * pgm_text_get_shadow_position() function
      * pgm_text_set_shadow_position() function
      * pgm_text_get_shadow_color() function
      * pgm_text_set_shadow_color() function
      * pgm_viewport_get_max_texture_size() function
      * pgm_canvas_get_pixel_offsets() function
      * pgm_drawable_get_grid_aligned() function
      * pgm_drawable_set_grid_aligned() function
      * PgmTextShadowPosition enum
      * PgmDrawableProperty::PGM_TEXT_COLOR enum field
      * PgmDrawableProperty::PGM_TEXT_CAST_SHADOW enum field
      * PgmDrawableProperty::PGM_TEXT_SHADOW_POSITION enum field
      * PgmDrawableProperty::PGM_TEXT_SHADOW_COLOR enum field
      * PgmCanvas::pixel_offset_x struct field
      * PgmCanvas::pixel_offset_y struct field
      * PgmDrawable::orig_x struct field
      * PgmDrawable::orig_y struct field
      * PgmDrawable::orig_width struct field
      * PgmDrawable::orig_height struct field
      * PgmDrawable::grid_aligned struct field

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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