Notify OSD 0.9.15

Milestone information

Notify OSD
Mirco Müller
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download icon notify-osd-0.9.15.tar.gz (md5, sig) notify-osd 0.9.15 release 441
last downloaded 24 weeks ago
Total downloads: 441

Release notes 

This release introduces the content-blur (in-blubble blur) for mouse-over. Furthermore it comes with numerous rendering and layout fixes making the implementation of notify-osd coming yet closer to its specification.


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* fixed wrong default values for bubble-width, margin- and icon-size
* fixed regressions introduced by the move to the surface- and blur-cache
* improved drawing of gauge/indicator
* tweaked rendering of layout-grid, added display of layout-grid to debug-mode of notify-osd
* refactored rendering code for bubble
* migrated rendering of drop-shadow, background, icon, title, body and gauge to surface/blur-cache
* added surface- and blur-cache
* added debug-output for font-size, screen-dpi, pixels/EM and bubble-width in pixels
* fixed rounding errors in pixel-per-em calculation, changed default bubble width to 24 EMs, fixed title- and body-text height, fixes LP: #336110 and LP: #391190

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