Registered by Twisted Lincoln, Inc.

Nexradix™ is a GNU/Linux powered operating system that is specifically designed to be easily and freely usable and redistributable, even for commercial purposes.

Nexradix™ is, and always will be free as in freedom. You are always free to use, copy, and distribute Nexradix™ for any reason you like -- even for commercial purposes or for profit. We strive to keep Nexradix™ as freely usable as possible by limiting the use of proprietary code to the absolute minimum.

Nexradix™ was designed to be easy and intuitive for all users, even those who have never used a GNU/Linux distribution before. Regardless of what kind of operating system you're used to, Nexradix™ will be comfortable and simple, without sacrificing features. Unlike many GNU/Linux based systems, Nexradix™ is designed to allow you to do all common tasks via a graphical environment -- while you are always free to use the command line interface, we feel you shouldn't be required to do so.

Distribution information

Twisted Lincoln, Inc.
Twisted Lincoln, Inc.
Nexradix Members
Mirror admins:
Christian Reis
OCI project admins:
Security admins:
Code admins:

Latest derivatives

No derivatives.