networking-vpp 19.08.1

Milestone information

Jerome Tollet
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Release notes 

We've added ERSPAN support for Tap-as-a-Service (TaaS). Since ERSPAN provides remote port mirroring, you can now mirror your OpenStack traffic to a destination outside of OpenStack or to a remote OpenStack VM. This is a customized version of OpenStack TaaS. We will be working with the community to push our custom TaaS extensions upstream. In the meantime, you can access our TaaS code at . For further info on installation and usage, you can read the README_taas.txt.

We've updated the code to be compatible with VPP 19.08 & 19.08.1 API changes.

We've updated the unit test framework to support python3.5 onwards.

We've added security-group support for Trunk sub-ports and added support for neutron trunk_details extension.

We've fixed bugs in our Trunk and L3 plugins that caused a race condition during port binding.

We've migrated our repo from Openstack to Opendev to be consistent with OpenStack rebranding efforts.

A recent change in nova caused live migration to fail for instances with NUMA characteristics. This is a limitation in nova and not VPP/networking-vpp. However, it is still possible to use live migration with VPP/networking-vpp. Please refer to an earlier section in this file for further details.

We've been doing the usual round of bug fixes, clean-ups and updates - the code will work with VPP 19.08.1 and has been updated to keep up with Neutron Rocky and Stein.


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