networking-vpp 18.10

Milestone information

Jerome Tollet
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Release notes 

We have made improvements to fully support the network trunk service plugin.Using this plugin, you can attach multiple networks to an instance by binding it to a single vhostuser trunk port. The APIs are the same as the OpenStack Neutron Trunk service APIs. When creating a subport, you must provide a segmentation-id. The segmentation-id defines the VLAN ID on which the subport network is presented to the instance. You will also be able to bind and unbind subports to a bound network trunk.

Another feature we have improved in this release is the Tap-as-a-service(TaaS). The TaaS code has been updated to handle out of order etcd messages received during agent restarts. You can use this service to create remote port mirroring capability for tenant virtual networks. TaaS will be helpful when you debug your virtual networks by providing visibility into your VM's network traffic.

Besides the above, this release also has several bug fixes, VPP 18.10 API compatibility and stability related improvements.


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