Registered by B. Gian James

The μnix system (pronounced "myoonix," as the "mu" in front is the greek letter μ, for micro) is an 8-bit multi-core workstation built around Atmel's AVR family of microcontrollers. From the AVR multi-core Processing System to the ATBIOS, this workstation showcases 8-bit MCU's in roles usually performed by specialied processors. Sporting ATXmega cores and ATmega/ATtiny peripheral controllers, the μnix workstation runs a UNIX-like exokernel Operating System, with architectural modalities based on Digital Unix and Solaris 2.6.

While everyone is clamoring for bigger, faster, wider bandwidth on their computing devices these days this unassuming 8-bit multi-core workstation sits quietly in the corner, plodding away at boring CRC checksums. Like the nerd who spends his entire weekend memorizing spells that he'll throw out in lavish fashion during his next AD&D game, this little 8-bit nerd hopes he scores a critical hit. With less core memory than most hand-held devices and no floating-point microprocessor, he'll make us all feel a little better about our GRE math scores.

However, executing most instructions within one clock cycle, and with an AMPS (AVR® Multi-Processing System) clocked at 32MHz, the μnix workstation (pronounced "myoonix" due to the greek letter μ, meaning "micro") will be able to perform some impressive feats of agile computation.

If you are interested in contributing to munix in the hardware or firmware areas, contact us here or visit the homepage at and visit the contact or "join us" links.

Project information

Part of:
The μnix Project
B. Gian James
Not yet selected
Simplified BSD Licence

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Programming languages:
C++, AVR Assembler

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