Mocker 0.9

Milestone information

Gustavo Niemeyer
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download icon mocker-0.9.tar.bz2 (md5) Source code 876
last downloaded 4 weeks ago
Total downloads: 876

Release notes 

- Added MockerTestCase.makeFile() and .makeDir() helpers. They offer
  easy creation of temporary files/directories, and ensure that they
  get removed after each test method runs.

- Added MockerTestCase.assertMethodsMatch(). It will verify if all
  public methods found in the class passed as the first argument are
  also present in the class passed as the second argument, and that
  they accept the same arguments. This is useful to verify if a fake
  or stub class has the same API as the real class being simulated.

- Added MockerTestCase.assert[Not]{Starts,Ends}With().

- If the replay() method is called twice, expectations will be fully
  reset so that several similar tests may be performed in a row by
  just calling replay() again.

- Mocker.on_restore() removed. Restore isn't performed if replay()
  isn't called, and that may not be obvious, so a hook won't be
  exposed for now.

- When using a non-existent import path for Mocker.proxy(), raise an
  ImportError on the base module, rather than using the actual
  string as the object (#162315).


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- Added MockerTestCase.makeFile() and .makeDir() helpers. They offer
  easy creation of temporary files/directories, and ensure that they
  get removed after each test method runs.

- Added MockerTestCase.assertMethodsMatch(). It will verify if all
  public methods found in the class passed as the first argument are
  also present in the class passed as the second argument, and that
  they accept the same arguments. This is useful to verify if a fake
  or stub class has the same API as the real class being simulated.

- Added MockerTestCase.assert[Not]{Starts,Ends}With().

- If the replay() method is called twice, expectations will be fully
  reset so that several similar tests may be performed in a row by
  just calling replay() again.

- Mocker.on_restore() removed. Restore isn't performed if replay()
  isn't called, and that may not be obvious, so a hook won't be
  exposed for now.

- When using a non-existent import path for Mocker.proxy(), raise an
  ImportError on the base module, rather than using the actual
  string as the object (#162315).

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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