Meliae 0.2.1

Milestone information

John A Meinel
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1 John A Meinel
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1 Fix Released

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download icon meliae-0.2.1.tar.gz (md5, sig) Meliae 0.2.1 Source 573
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Total downloads: 573

Release notes 

Meliae has been tweaked a fair amount since the 0.2.0 release. Primarily bugfixes, and some small quality of life improvements.


View the full changelog

Meliae 0.2.1

:0.2.1: 2010-07-20

* When dumping a ``PyFrame`` look at the function object for
  ``co_name``, so you don't have to wander through the references to
  get their yourself. (Andrew Bennetts)

* Fixes for the simple regex parser (w/o simplejson). However,
  simplejson is still recommended, because it is both faster and more
  accurate (decodes unicode escapes, etc). (John Arbash Meinel)

* ``loader.load()`` now defaults to computing parents and collapsing
  instance dicts. It does mean that loading will be a bit slower, and
  consume more memory, but it is almost always what you need to do
  first anyway. (John Arbash Meinel)

Meliae 0.2.1rc1

:0.2.1rc1: 2010-06-30

* Avoid calling ``PyType_Type.tp_traverse`` when the argument is not a
  heap-class. There is an assert that gets tripped if you are running a
  debug build (or something to do with how Fedora builds its python).
  (John Arbash Meinel, #586122)

* Flush the file handle before exiting. We were doing it at the Python
  layer, but that might not translate into the ``FILE*`` object.
  (John Arbash Meinel, #428165)

* Handle some issues when using Pyrex It was treating
  ``<unsigned long>`` as casting the object pointer, not as a Python
  level "extract an integer". However, assignment to an ``cdef unsigned
  long`` does the right thing. (John Arbash Meinel)

* Tweak some memory performance issues (Gary Poster, #581918)

0 blueprints and 1 bug targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
600854 #600854 test suite fails without simplejson 4 Medium John A Meinel  10 Fix Released
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