magicicada gui 0.3.0

Milestone information

magicicada gui
Natalia Bidart
Release registered:
Yes. Drivers can target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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download icon magicicada-0.3.0.tar.gz (md5, sig) release tarball 38
last downloaded 50 weeks ago
Total downloads: 38

Release notes 

[release] v0.3.0


View the full changelog

[ Natalia B. Bidart <email address hidden> ]
  * Added Public Files listing to the UI (LP: #568197).
  * The icon list is now set at creation time. This guarantees that proper icon
  sizes will be used (LP: #669947).
  * Default logging level is now INFO.
  * Volumes and metadata buttons are enabled when initial_data_ready callback
  is fired (LP: #612194).

[ Facundo Batista <email address hidden> ]
  * Backend code to accept a share.
  * Support the new "CQ changed" signal, with no data in it.
  * Log all the errors that happen inside a deferred.
  * Splitted "on initial data callback" in both online and offline ones.
  * Handle Public Files info.
  * Support GetDelta in the MQ (LP: #665680).
  * Leave the "don't ask while asking" machinery ok if error while asking.
  * Support an error when calling the MD (LP: #665674).
  * Don't ask a lot of times for updates to Syncdaemon on changes bursts
  (LP: #587020) (LP: #643195).

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

There are no feature specifications or bug tasks targeted to this milestone. The project's maintainer, driver, or bug supervisor can target specifications and bug tasks to this milestone to track the things that are expected to be completed for the release.

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