loggerhead 1.10 "1.10"

The 1.10 release is mostly a bug fix release. There has been some effort to improve performance, we've updated the code to work with bzr 1.10, URLs are now much more user-friendly and permanent and breadcrumbs have been added to make navigation easier.

Milestone information

Code name:
Martin Albisetti
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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download icon loggerhead-1.10.tar.gz (md5, sig) Loggerhead 1.10 778
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
Total downloads: 778

Release notes 

- Fixed some performance issues (Robert Collins, James Westby, Martin Albisetti)
- Update loggerhead to work with bzr 1.10 and the latest bzr-search (Robert Collins)
- Add startup deamon script for Linux (Marius Kruger)
- Switch navigation from file_ids to paths. Fixes bugs #260363, #269365 and #128926. (Martin Albisetti)
- Fix bug #258710 ("the /files page explodes in an empty branch"). Also minor improvements to the /files and /changes pages. (Marius Kruger)
- Added --port, --host and --prefix options to serve-branches script. (Martin Albisetti)
- Fixed broken template for project browsing with start-loggerhead (Martin Albisetti)
- Added --reload options to restart the application when a python file change. (Guillermo Gonzalez)
- Added error handling middleware. (Guillermo Gonzalez)
- Fix bug #243415 ("Tracebacks go to console but not log file"). Also minor improvements to logging in serve-branches and start-loggerhead. (Guillermo Gonzalez)


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- Fixed some performance issues (Robert Collins, James Westby, Martin Albisetti)

- Update loggerhead to work with bzr 1.10 and the latest bzr-search (Robert Collins)

- Add startup deamon script for Linux (Marius Kruger)

- Switch navigation from file_ids to paths. Fixes bugs #260363, #269365 and #128926. (Martin Albisetti)

- Fix bug #258710 ("the /files page explodes in an empty branch"). Also minor improvements to the /files and /changes pages. (Marius Kruger)

- Added --port, --host and --prefix options to serve-branches script. (Martin Albisetti)

- Fixed broken template for project browsing with start-loggerhead (Martin Albisetti)

- Added --reload options to restart the application when a python file change. (Guillermo Gonzalez)

- Added error handling middleware. (Guillermo Gonzalez)

- Fix bug #243415 ("Tracebacks go to console but not log file"). Also minor improvements to logging in serve-branches and start-loggerhead. (Guillermo Gonzalez)

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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