Registered by B. Gian James

This is a library for the overall μnix project that has reusable or often-used objects and code. Generic skiplists and Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) objects that multiple IC's may use may be found here. This increases code reuse and decreases bugs as a different class isn't being written each time the functionality or pattern is needed.

The μnix library (libmunix.a) is a statically linked library containing objects and reusable classes and code that benefits more than one project. Due to the nature of how AVR linkage works, the library is composed of many small object files, since the import of one function/class/object in an object file imports the entire object file. Therefore, many classes (unless there is some inheritance or requirements) are written in separate files. We want the least amount of collateral code to be linked in as possible.

libmunix contains generic templatized (which may be changed later due to code size) containers, AVR-specific buses and peripherals such as USART, SPI, and TWI. Datastructures like priority queues and heap skiplists are available.

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Part of:
The μnix Project
B. Gian James
Not yet selected
Simplified BSD Licence

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Programming languages:
C++, AVR Assembler

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