Comment 1 for bug 384831

Revision history for this message
Данило Шеган (danilo) wrote :

I am hitting into a lot of circular import problems because of this now (trying to migrate translations code to a new layout as well). This seems to mainly affect scripts.

Running in 'make harness' does not exhibit the same issues, so it seems that scripts might use xmlconfig.file('script.zcml') call that is done by make harness as well.

Doing that makes it all work without that ugly trick:

    $ python2.4
    >>> import _pythonpath
    >>> from zope.configuration import xmlconfig
    >>> xmlconfig.file('script.zcml')
    <zope.configuration.config.ConfigurationMachine object at 0x7f65d8c8a690>
    >>> import lp.bugs.interfaces.bug