Jupyter Notebook 6.4.0rc0

Milestone information

Jupyter Notebook
Luís Infante da Câmara
Release registered:
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No bugs are targeted to this milestone.

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File Description Downloads
download icon notebook-6.4.0rc0-py3-none-any.whl (md5) pip package 6
last downloaded 32 weeks ago
download icon notebook-6.4.0rc0.tar.gz (md5) Source code 7
last downloaded 32 weeks ago
Total downloads: 13

Release notes 

This release does not have release notes.


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Bugs fixed
    Fix Handling of Encoded Paths in Save As Dialog #6030 (@afshin)
    Fix: split_cell doesn't always split cell #6017 (@gamestrRUS)

Maintenance and upkeep improvements
    Revert "do not apply asyncio patch for tornado >=6.1" #6052 (@minrk)
    Use Jupyter Releaser #6048 (@afshin)
    Add Workflow Permissions for Lock Bot #6042 (@jtpio)
    Fixes related to the recent changes in the documentation #6021 (@frenzymadness)

Documentation improvements
    Spelling correction #6045 (@wggillen)
    Minor typographical and comment changes #6025 (@misterhay)
    Fixes related to the recent changes in the documentation #6021 (@frenzymadness)
    Fix readthedocs environment #6020 (@blink1073)

Other merged PRs
    Add maths checks in CSS reference test #6035 (@stef4k)
    Correct 'Content-Type' headers #6026 (@faucct)
    Add Issue Lock and Answered Bots #6019 (@afshin)
    Fix skipped tests & remove deprecation warnings #6018 (@befeleme)
    [Gateway] Track only this server's kernels #5980 (@kevin-bates)

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

There are no feature specifications or bug tasks targeted to this milestone. The project's maintainer, driver, or bug supervisor can target specifications and bug tasks to this milestone to track the things that are expected to be completed for the release.

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