Registered by Salih EMIN

iQunix OS, is a 64 bit Linux operating system based on the popular Ubuntu distribution. It's unique design offers an experienced Ubuntu users and specialist a "bare-bone", Unity based, operating system in which nothing is pre-installed.

You have seen many distributions out there that are fancy, full fleged with lots of preinstalled applications. But none of them are pure Operating System. In contrast, iQunix is just an operating system that after you install it, you are in charge. You have the total control over what and how you do install your applications and every other aspect that makes your Linux desktop experience unique.

Project information

Salih EMIN
Other/Open Source
(iQunix is a collection of thousands of computer programs and documents created by a range of individuals, teams and companies. Each of these programs may come under a different licence as described in Ubuntu Lisence Web Page
This project’s licence has not been reviewed.

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