Registered by Mikhail Medvedev

IMSProg - Linux IMSProg - I2C, SPI and MicroWire EEPROM/Flash chip programmer for CH341a devices.

IMSProg - Linux IMSProg - I2C, MicroWire and SPI EEPROM/Flash chip programmer for CH341a devices. The IMSProm is a free I2C EEPROM programmer tool for CH341A device based on QhexEdit2 and modify SNANDer programmer.
This is a GUI program used widget QhexEditor. For setting the SPI chip parameters you can use the Detect button for reading chip parameters (JEDEC information reading) or manually setting it. The I2C and MicroWire EEPROM only manually selected.

IMSProg consists of three executable modules:

1. IMSProg - the chip programmer itself.
2. IMSProg_editor - chip database editor.
3. IMSProg_database_update - online chip database update from the external web-server.

The chip database format is clone with EZP2019, EZP2020, EZP2023, Minpro I, XP866+ programmers. You can edit the database use the EZP Chip data Editor.

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Mikhail Medvedev
Mikhail Medvedev

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