Ibid 0.1.1 (Pimpernel) released

Written for Ibid by Jonathan Hitchcock on 2011-02-23

"Suddenly I found there was another rabbit with me. ... It was Pimpernel and I could tell at once that he was in a bad way. He was spluttering and gasping, but he was able to keep going."
 -- Watership Down, Richard Adams

It has been almost a year since we announced the first official release of Ibid - 0.1 (Hazel) - and to an outside observer, it would definitely appear that development has slowed down. However, we are proud to announce our next release, Ibid version 0.1.1 (Pimpernel), and we're excited about the state of the bot. Our development team has doubled in size since the first version, and we are starting to receive a fair bit of input from users and developers that we've never met before, which is always exciting for a new project. In addition, according to popularity-contest (http://ubuntu-popcon.43-1.org/cgi-bin/graph.pl?name=ibid), we have over 60 registered Ubuntu installs out there, and Ibid 0.1 was downloaded 948 times according to https://launchpad.net/ibid/+download

This release is mostly bug-fixes, hardening, and security patches, and we have gone out of our way to ensure that we don't include anything that could break currently running bots. There are no database schema changes, and we recommend that everybody currently running an Ibid upgrade to 0.1.1. The full list of changes can be seen at http://ibid.omnia.za.net/docs/0.1.0/changes.html

That said, we have not been idle on the innovation front, and our trunk branch has a lot of new plugins and interesting changes, which we hope to see pushed out in a new release soon. As always, you are welcome to come and find us in our IRC channel, #ibid on irc.atrum.org, or get involved with development here on Launchpad

-- The Ibid Development Team

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