Registered by Rudy Lattae

Aether is a free and simple (X)HTML/CSS theme that puts content first and provides some layout/color/type variations.

This is a free and simple web theme that puts content first and encourages
accessible design. It enables site/application/content developers to
"put it out there (piot)" with minimum fuss.

Aether is based on the And Theme! project [[]] (itself based on Aptuse As such the markup and styles can easily be customized to specific needs.

To demonstrate its flexibility, Aether will include:

* Simple and valid (X)HTML markup that will render properly across supported browsers with/without (text browsers) stylesheets enabled
* Support for localization through bi-directional styles
* Alternate stylesheets that change the look and feel of the theme without the need for new/ modified markup
* Built-in support for selective media output targeting screen, handheld and print media.

Project information

Ubqstyle Creative
Not yet selected
Simplified BSD Licence, Other/Open Source
(Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License |

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Latest version is 0.5.0-a

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