Registered by suslik

Horovod is a desktop widget designed to make it easy to share your files/clipboard through an intelligent, personal web-server/ftp-uploader/web-dav/svn/what-ever-floats-your-boat backends. Horovod will guess your network configuration, will open ports on a router through uPnP and accommodate you in all possible way with one goal in mind: make it easier for you to share and collaborate with your peers.

Horovod is a Russian (slavic) word describing a particular group-based dance. It is an organized circle of people, holding each other's hands.

Horovod is a desktop widget designed to make it easy to share your files/clipboard through an intelligent, personal web-server/ftp-uploader/web-dav/svn/what-ever-floats-your-boat backends.

Horovod will guess your network configuration, will open ports on a router through uPnP and accommodate you in all possible way with one goal in mind: make it easier for you to share and collaborate with your peers.

Horovod will try NOT to rely on costly / cumbersome 3rd-party services, like remote http/ftp, photo sharing sites, and similar things requiring additional set up. Horovod will try to rely on a built-in webserver and svn/bzr backends, but you are certainly welcome to write a backend plugin for your favorite Web2.0 service.

In order for the open source community to succeed, we need to accommodate collaborative content creators, for whom established sharing methods are a burden. Horovod will attempt to take the hustle of "establishing communication" out of "collaboration."

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