Registered by JDCommerce, Inc.

Helix is a mature enterprise application framework. It comes with a pre-packaged database that was designed with data-integration in mind. Helix has built-in support for object and database customization on a site-by-site basis, integration with the ExtJS javascript framework, integration with FLOT for plotting/charting data, integration with FlowPlayer for video streaming, a database object generator built from scratch, and so much more!

Unlike other "PHP Frameworks" or "Web Application Frameworks", Helix was not designed to hide the "database stuff" from you. Helix was designed to empower your application by using advanced database design techniques.Just follow a few intelligent database design rules, and the benefits you gain with Helix will be truly unmatched by anything out there. We believe that most developers are... well... developers... and not database designers. While all other frameworks let you focus on development, Helix does the same while enforcing intelligent database design.

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JDCommerce, Inc.
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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Programming languages:
PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, AJAX

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