Comment 6 for bug 265065

Revision history for this message
Peter Wright (p-wright) wrote :

Thanks Michael, the package you uploaded works;

I've found a solution that works with libneon27-gnutls. The problem appears to be that it does not correctly handle having the CA certificates in the .p12

To extract the PEMs from your current p12:
  openssl pkcs12 -in CURRENT.p12 -nodes -nocerts > private.key.pem
  openssl pkcs12 -in CURRENT.p12 -nodes -nokeys > public.key.pem

Then in public.key.pem I deleted all which weren't my certificate, then I repackaged it with:
  openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey private.key.pem -in public.key.pem -out NEW.p12