getdns 1.5.2

This release has experimental support for GnuTLS >= 3.5.0 as replacement for OpenSSL.
To enabled, use the --with-gnutls option at configure time.
Note that getdns needs the gnutls-dane library too (which is used for SPKI authentication of DNS-over-TLS upstreams).
DNSSEC validation will use the cryptographic functions from libnettle (the cryptographic library also used by GnuTLS).

When build with GnuTLS, getdns will still be linked with libcrypto (from OpenSSL) for S/MIME verification of the root-anchors.xml file with Zero configuration DNSSEC.
It is our intention to replace that with something more GnuTLS native at some point in the future too, so that getdns can do without OpenSSL altogether.

Maintenance work included bringing TCP Fast Open up to par with current practice.
This means that at least on Linux 4.11+, getdns can connect TFO with TLS.

The most prominent bugfix is for DNSSEC scheduling which in some circumstances wrongly failed with insecure delegations of more than one label.

This release has the 0.2.6 release of Stubby included, with updates to documentation and fixes for the Windows build.

Milestone information

Peter J. Mello
Release registered:
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download icon getdns-1.5.2.tar.gz (md5) 10
last downloaded 47 weeks ago
Total downloads: 10

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