New E17 Release: LUCKY

Written for Enlightenment by Michael Moroni on 2012-12-15

This beta release of E17, LUCKY RUBBER DUCKY, has a much better name than what was originally proposed.

EFL requirements now bumped to 1.7.3
Translation updates
Wallpaper previews now maintain aspect ratio when dialog is resized
Backlight gadgets update themselves on backlight change
Filemanager now capable of loading large directories more quickly
Filemanager "New Directory" action renames files inline
Menu item layout no longer resizes randomly
Filemanager drag-n-drop no longer causes crashes in most scenarios
Xmodmap settings no longer overwritten when changing keyboard layout
Filemanager properly shows files again if a drag-n-drop operation fails or pauses
Orientation changing on shelves no longer duplicates the shelf
Evry file browsing now shows mime types more accurately
Tons of small memory leaks fixed
Theme selection dialog now shows actual preview of theme instead of wallpaper
Temperature module no longer leaks fds on some platforms
Pointer warping now more effective when changing desks
"Share" button on screenshot dialog now leads to a confirmation dialog
[THEME] Filemanager icons
[THEME] Pixel border style removed
[THEME] Pixel border style added
[THEME] Pixel border style now has focused effect

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