New E17 Release: GAMMA

Written for Enlightenment by Michael Moroni on 2012-12-12

 This release of E17 is also known as "The Hulk" for obvious reasons.

Translation updates
Clock and cpufreq gadgets now consume less cpu
Slider widget can no longer explode the stack
Backlight setting improved, now more reliable
mkstemps no longer used; portability++
"Really move" option in filemanager renamed to something more descriptive
Resizable dialogs are now able to be maximized
Scrollbars now hide in more cases where they should
Dragging files to other applications from filemanager no longer causes file icon to disappear
Filemanager toolbar path items delete when corresponding path is removed
Mixer no longer causes a crash when pulseaudio is killed
Navigate menu no longer crashes when repeatedly navigating to a directory which has no listable contents
Tasks gadget no longer tries to delete its items repeatedly
Systray icon scaling improved
XDirectSave DND operations now work again
"hicolor" icon theme automatically applied now when no theme is selected
Fileselector no longer changes its entry text when changing directories
Filemanager "New File" action no longer creates file with garbage content
"Don't composite fullscreen windows" is now disabled by default
Notifications no longer do anything (including crash) when received during desklock
Gadgets module no longer crashes on unload and also correctly shows gadgets when loaded
Read-only entry widgets are now actually read-only
Filemanager no longer as hungry, saves some DND events for pager to enable drags on desktop pagers
Removed some potentially troublesome settings from advanced Composite settings
Systray now informs the user that it should not be placed on an invisible shelf
Window moving/resizing (and other mouse-related events) no longer behave strangely in the presence of autohiding shelves
Submenu item arrows now properly sized and aligned
[THEME] Lots of icons

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